

Our Conference on Youth Cannabis Use in the Context of the Canadian Legalization Debate

On April, 5th 2016 we hosted a full-day conference on cannabis and youth health. Researchers from Canada and around the world presented their latest findings, representing both sides of the debate.

  • Tomas Paus, PhD, University of Toronto, Cannabis use and brain maturation during adolescence (english)
  • Jean-François Morin, Université de Montréal, Directionality of the relation between alcohol consumption, cannabis consumption and cognitive performance (french)
  • Louise Arseneault, PhD, King’s College London, Potential outcomes associated with cannabis use: Epidemiological findings from New Zealand (english)
  • Natalie Castellanos Ryan, PhD, Université de Montréal, Is cannabis use during adolescence associated with poor cognitive, academic and drug use outcomes in adulthood? (english)
  • Scott Mackey, PhD, University of Vermont, ENIGMA Addiction: Brain volume differences in cannabis dependence (english)
  • Josiane Bourque, MSc, Univeristé de Montréal, Effects of early onset cannabis use on psychosis risk (french)
  • Laura A. Schmidt, PhD, University of California, Medical marijuana laws in the U.S. and their impact on youth cannabis use (english)
  • Patricia Conrod, PhD, Youth relevant policies in the context of cannabis decriminalization (english)
  • Martin Gignac, MD, FRCP(C), Université de Montréal, A brief intervention for cannabis misusers (french)
  • Lionel Carmant, MD, FRCP(C), CHU Sainte-Justine et Université de Montréal, Epilepsy and cannabis as medical treatment (french)

We were very pleased to see the scientific community as well as parents, students, and the general public coming together to learn more about this important issue.

Thank you for joining us!

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The Lancet’s Commission on Health & Well-Being

The Lancet announced a new commission and campaign for adolescent health, demanding recognition and action for the largest generation of 1.8 billion adolescents and young people in human history.

The commission includes reports on biological changes in adolescence, the possible global threats to adolescent development, and a multilevel call to action for worldwide health and sustainability, for us and the generations to come.

For more information on the commission, click here.

Press Release / CHU Sainte Justine

Dr. Conrod’s lab and Sainte Justine Hopsital are proud to announce a new school-based screening and treatment program for mental illness in adolescents, funded by the extremely generous $2 million donation that we received from RBC Royal Bank!

Dr. Conrod’s Radio Interview with CBC News

Dr. Conrod gave an informative interview on the potential effects of cannabis legalization in Montreal and Canada.

Read about it here!

The 2015 Cycloventure Challenge – A Success!

Research funded by the CYCLOVENTURE CHALLENGE 2015

It is essential to identify, early in adolescence, determinants of the brain that will predict the onset of mental health problems. This year, your contributions help to perform imaging examinations using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, (MRI) to measure the brain activity of teenagers who will be linked to future problems with depression.

Thank you to all who joined us!

2014 edition: What an accomplishment!

About thirty cyclists pedaled under the banner of the CHALLENGE and helped raise over $6,000 in donations and investments. These contributions have enabled our research team to perform MRI scans on young adolescents in the early stages of mental health problems. We have identified a brain marker in 14-year-old adolescents that predicted the persistence of symptoms of attenuated psychosis two years later. These results contribute to effective identification of these at-risk youth for future preventive actions.

It was a pleasure to cycle and run with you!

Scientific Soirée 2015 – Innovation and the Role of Community Partnerships in Drug Prevention

What is a scientific soirée? This event aims to encourage opportunities for exchange between practitioners, experts, and researchers on topical themes in child psychiatry, along with school stakeholders and the public.

On May 26, 2015, a panel of 6 experts presented topics related to innovation and the role of community partnerships in drug prevention. After two hours of presentations and questions, the participants and experts had the opportunity to discuss in a less formal setting with a light cocktail.


Patricia Conrod, PhD, University of Montreal:  Le projet Coventure: après 3 années où en sommes-nous et où allons-nous.

Joanna Henderson, PhD, University of Toronto, CAMH:  Initier les jeunes à la recherche

Maeve Oleary-Barrett, McGill University:  Les jeunes de Coventure

Geneviève Allard, École PGLO:  Le projet Coventure – perspective d’une collaboratrice du milieu scolaire

Jean-François Morin, Université de Montréal:  Les effets de la consommation précoce et abusive de substances psychoactives sur le développement : des résultats préliminaires

Leila Ben-Amor, MD, M.Sc., CHU Ste-Justine:  La prévention ciblée/sélective en clinique



Scientific Soirée 2014 – Lectures on Managing Impulsivity

Scientific Lectures : Managing Impulsivity in Children and Adolescents: Solutions for youth, parents and teachers
Thursday, May 29th, 2014 : 18h-20h

On the 29th of May, we hosted a conference on the topic of impulsivity and the family. You may review the complete recording of the conference here and download the speakers’ presentations in pdf format. Certain presentations were offered in english, and others in french.

Opening remarks by Dr. Patricia Conrod:

Conference recording:



L’impulsivité et son développement

Jean Séguin, PhD, Directeur de la recherche, Département de psychiatrie, Université de Montréal.

Trends in ADHD Diagnosis

Robert Pihl, PhD, Professeur titulaire, Département de psychologie, McGill University

Interventions familiales pour les problèmes de comportements

Leila Ben Amor, MD, M.Sc. Pédopsychiatre, chef du Département de psychiatrie et directrice du Programme de psychiatrie, Neuro-développement et génétique, CHU Sainte-         Justine.

Novel Intervention for ADHD: Cognitive, attention, executive functioning training

Leanne Tamm, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology Associate Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics.

Hyperactivité/Impulsivité: Cooccurrences, contextes sociaux et prévention des conduites à risques

Éric Lacourse, PhD, Professeur titulaire, Département de sociologie et criminologie, Université de Montréal

Gérer la sensibilité à l’impulsivité par des programmes d’intervention en milieu scolaire*

Patricia Conrod, PhD, PSO agrégé, Département de psychiatrie, Université de Montréal

*Take note that this final presentation was not recorded.

A Special Profile on Dr. Conrod by the CIHR:

Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Stopping addiction before it starts

Radio-Canada Interview & Article in the TIME

Adolescence grisée / Les années lumières – Interview with Jean-François Bouthillette.

Why Personality May Matter in Preventing Alcoholism – Article by Maia Szalavitz.


Today, Preventure interests various researchers around the world and is linked with several international studies.

    The Psy-Venture project: a survey investigating the effects of a personality-targeted intervention programme on adolescents with psychiatric disorders in Montréal, QC, Canada.

    The Imagen project: a European research project on risk taking behaviour in teenagers.

    The Cap-Study: An australian survey implementing and evaluating a comprehensive school-based substance use prevention intervention.

    The Chi-Venture project: a trial investigating the effects of delaying the onset of substance use on adolescent cognitive development and academic performance in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
    Chi-venture Project Description

    Scientific Soirée 2012

    Making Effective Decisions About Alcohol and Drug Prevention: The Issues and the Evidence

    Adolescent substance use: Risk factors and consequences – Frank Vitaro, PhD (Professor, Université de Montréal)
    Adolescent development: Growing brains and growing pains – Françoise Maheu, PhD (Research Professor, Université de Montréal)
    Effects of alcohol and drug abuse on the adult brain – Hugh Garavan, PhD (Associate Professor, University of Vermont)
    Prevention: What works, what doesn’t and what’s next – Patricia Conrod, PhD ( Research Professor, Université de Montréal)

    Jean Séguin, PhD (Research director, Dept. of psychiatry, Université de Montréal)
    Robert Pihl, PhD (Psychology professor, McGill University)

    Closing remarks (French):
    Dr Patricia Garel (Head, Dept. of psychiatry, CHU Ste-Justine)